Data Inventory and Mapping Software Solution

Gain visibility into personal data you have collected, retained and processed. Centralize system and processing activities to meet privacy compliance requirements.

Key Considerations for Data Inventory and Mapping - Mandatly Inc.

Data Inventory and Mapping

Utilizing Data Inventory & Mapping Software in managing data inventory reduces the uncertainty arising out of your data-driven operations. By creating a data inventory, an organization can improve its ability to designate accountability, for each of its business functions, for data security and compliance requirements.

Meet Regulatory Requirements - Mandatly Inc.
Meet Regulatory RequirementsData inventory and mapping enable companies to fulfill consumer/data subject rights and data sharing requirements.
Minimize Privacy Risk - Mandatly Inc.
Minimize Privacy RiskRisks are automatically detected with suggested remediation actions for informed decision making.
Cutdown Organizational Silos - Mandatly Inc.
Cutdown Organizational SilosThe solution provides easier communication and information sharing within your IT and business organizations.

Maintaining data inventory with the right level of automation is the key to ensure the security and integrity of personal data.

How Mandatly Helps you Maintain System and Data Inventory?

Mandatly’s Data Inventory and mapping management solution simplifies the task of maintaining system & data inventory of your data assets and visualize in a single pane of glass. Gain visibility into personal data you have collected, retained and processed. With Mandatly’s Personal Data Inventory Tool & Software Solution you can centralise all your system and processing activities to keep them up to date for “lookback” and fulfil subject access requests.

System Inventory - Mandatly Inc.
System InventoryEnables tracking of all the systems (application, database, website, product and services) within legal entities.
Data Discovery - Mandatly Inc.
Data DiscoveryDiscover your data by publishing our predefined questionnaires, integration with various data stores.
Data Mapping and Flow - Mandatly Inc.
Data Mapping and FlowView all information related to the processing activity, data transfers to systems internally and external, to third parties and location of data.
Data Classification - Mandatly Inc.
Data ClassificationEnables labeling, grouping, classification of data elements using our configuration workbench.

Features and Benefits

System Inventory - Data Inventory Manager - Mandatly Inc.
Inventory all the systems owned or operated by your organization.
  • A self-service portal that enables tracking of all the systems (Application, Database, Website, Product, File System).
  • Map system, process and IT owner related to your information systems.
  • Conduct assessments and maintain data inventory for your systems.
  • Import system and data inventory from existing tools, leverage all the work performed to date.
  • Automatically integrates with other modules to perform assessments (PIA/DPIA, PbD, Vendor).
Auto Data Discovery - DSAR Manager - Mandatly Inc.
Automates the discovery of the personal data within your organization.
  • Discover personal data by publishing pre-defined questionnaires and/or leverage Mandatly API technology for auto-discovery.
  • Monitor metadata within your systems.
  • Identify personal data stored on-premise or in the cloud.
Data Mapping - Data Inventory Manager - Mandatly Inc.
View all information related to the processing activity, data transfers and location of data.
  • Create an actionable data inventory and map of data flows across your business process.
  • Identify the personal data categories, collections, security measures and retention using pre-configured assessments.
  • Leverage pre-built workflows to engage your data custodian, process and IT owners.
  • Enable privacy authorities to review and approve the data inventory maintained.
  • Perform periodic review of data inventory across all the systems and processes.
Data Classification - Data Inventory Manager - Mandatly Inc.
Enables labeling, grouping, classification of all personal data elements spread throughout your organization.
  • Activate relevant data elements from the predefined list or create your own using our powerful data inventory tool.
  • Map data elements to different categories of personal data.
  • Classify and manage all your personal data elements.


Why is Data Inventory important for businesses and How can it improve Data Governance?

A data inventory is a detailed list of an organization’s data assets, including type, storage, collection, usage, and access.

Importance of data inventory for businesses:

  1. Understand data assets and their usage.
  2. Identify and manage data risks.
  3. Enhance data quality and decision-making.
  4. Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

Improvements to data governance through a data inventory:

  1. Identify and map data flows to mitigate risks.
  2. Develop data retention policies for responsible storage.
  3. Create data access control policies for authorized access.
  4. Identify and protect sensitive data.
  5. Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

In summary, a data inventory is a vital tool for businesses looking to strengthen data governance, offering insights into data assets and aiding risk management, quality improvement, decision-making, and regulatory compliance.

What is Data Mapping and Why is it necessary?

Data mapping is the process of identifying and documenting how data flows within an organization. It involves tracing the path of data from its source to its destination, including the systems, processes, and transformations it undergoes along the way. Data mapping is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Ensures compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Identifies and protects personal data.
  • Enables effective response to data subject rights.
  • Mitigates privacy-related risks.
  • Supports data minimization and consent management.
  • Enhances transparency and accountability in data processing.
What is the Data Inventory & Mapping Automation Software?

Data inventory and mapping automation software automates the process of tracking and managing an organization’s data assets and data flows. It enhances data governance, ensures compliance with data protection regulations, and strengthens data security.

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